一、 | 序言 | |
二、 | 最佳論文 | |
1.員工國際觀、生涯觀與外派中國地區意願之關係-以家庭系統因素為調節變項 | 吳欣蓓、陸洛 | |
2.整合歷史期數與優先權重之護理排班問 | 夏福雲 | |
3.商管類科學生參加證照考試之綜合性研究:行為模式之驗證與態度改變之實驗 | 鄭碧月、林美蘭、萬金生 | |
4.模糊多準則多目標之服務人員排班模式 | 林宏澤、廖翊均、陳亭宇 | |
5.市場套利者與護盤者行為之分析:以921地震期間之台股為例 | 洪榮耀、馬黛 | |
6.IT治理三大機制、公司治理 與企業經營績效 | 賴秀卿、呂華軒、李宏志 | |
7.消費者混淆與認證識別系統影響購買滿意度之研究–以消費者購買信心為中介變項 | 簡南山、王東崑、吳冠槿 | |
8.逆事實思考預防功能對品牌再購之研究 | 黃玉凰、廖淑伶、高文彬 | |
9.低階破壞性創新產品品質水準之範圍 | 吳桂森、李能慧、李佳亭 | |
三、 | 佳作 | |
1.台灣休閒農場關鍵成功因素之研究 | 李孟訓、陳冠傑 | |
2.政府補助計畫對公司研發產出之影響:以吸收能力為調節變項 | 薛招治、黃鈺珏 | |
3.不同生產設備選擇下最適製程品質改善 | 黃允成、李巧穎、詹家豪 | |
4.從銷售觀測資料探討多商品單一供應商之最適訂購策略 | 黃允成、陳思婷、潘信佐 | |
5.人格特質與服務屬性的調節下,等待時間資訊對消費者等待時間知覺的影響 | 蕭至惠、蔡進發、吳思韻 | |
6.高等職業教育校外實習成效的縱向性研究 | 蘇家愷、楊仁德、傅貽瑞、萬金生 | |
7.HR-XML 3.0應用於人力資源管理之分析與探討 | 吳徐哲、林立翔、方博霖 | |
8.EWPS跨界工作者適性量表遴選決策之效益研究-以就業服務外展人員為例 | 陳玄愷、林尚平、林財丁 | |
9.會計師事務所的生命週期、業務結構與財務績效之關聯 | 陳燕錫、黃一菁 | |
10.資本結構、股利政策對公司價值之影響-代理成本觀點 | 高惠松、蔡純真 | |
11.行動護理站點滴注射自動排程設計 | 洪論評、徐慧恩 | |
12.電腦學習與性別差異研究 | 樊台聖、李一靜、蔡翌潔 | |
13.搭配贈品一定就會更好嗎-探討N270和產品-贈品配適 | 吳勇奇、吳竑邑、趙國仁、翟治平 | |
14.企管碩士在職專班設計新課程的研究-以南台科技大學為例 | 呂金河、吳?娟 | |
15.品牌聲譽、來源國效果、品牌權益與購買意願關聯性之研究-以手機為例 | 黃聖茹、羅鈺樺 | |
16.探討中古貨車行最適交易模式建構 | 黃允成、賴星樺、黃慶宏 | |
17.單變量ARIMA模式及類神經網路預測香港國 | 王賢崙、陳宏瑋、徐兆民 |
Factors Associated with Employees’ Willingness to Be Relocated to the Mainland China:
Evidence from a Taiwanese national survey
Hsin-Pei Wu
Assistant Professor of Department of Business Administration,
Asia University
Luo Lu
Professor of Department of Business Administration,
National Taiwan University
本研究目的在探討影響台灣全職工作者外派中國地區意願之因素。本研究利用2005 年台灣地區社會變遷基本調查(Taiwan Social Change Survey,TSCS)資料進行分析,並篩選全職工作者(樣本數1122 人)為研究對象。結果發現,個人背景中,男性、高學歷者、單身、年資淺者,越是願意外派中國,而個人系統因素中,以國際接觸經驗越多、職涯發展性越高,也就是認為外派中國地區對回台發展越有利者,這些人的外派中國地區意願會越強。而從家庭系統因素的調節效果中發現,高學歷族群中,配偶有全職工作將可調節(緩和)工作者因就業前景悲觀而意欲外派中國的念頭。
The aim of this research was to identify characteristics of employees who are willing to work in the Mainland China. We used data from the 2005 Taiwan Social Change Survey (TSCS), and selected 1122 full time employees as our sample. Results showed that employees who were male, having higher education attainment, unmarried, fewer years’work experiences, having international contact experiences, and believing foreign assignment will help career advancement would be willing to work in the Mainland China. Furthermore, for higher-educated employees, having working spouses could moderate (weaken) the relationship between pessimistic employment prospects and expatriate willingness to the Mainland China.
Keywords: international contact experiences, career advancement helping, expatriate willingness to the Mainland China, Taiwan Social Change Survey
A Study on Nurse Scheduling Problem under the Integration
of Number of Periods and priority weight
Hsia, Fu-yun
Department of clinical practice, Fooyin University of Science and Technology
In this paper, we focus on optimal number of periods and priority weight design for nurse scheduling problem. Based on the fairness for each nurse worked shift, we inferred an optimal number of periods for nurses’historical working data and priority weight setting method. In addition, we constructed a 0-1 integer programming model to solve the nurse scheduling problem. Integrating the optimal number of periods, the designed weighting method and the proposed mathematical model, we could solve the nurse scheduling problem efficiency and easily. The leader of nurses could adjust the computerized nurse scheduling output based on specific conditions and practical needs. Finally, it tested and verified its feasibility by a numerical example. The result showed that the proposed model is quite flexible and effectively in real applications.
Keywords: Nurse scheduling, priority weight, number of historical periods.
A Comprehensive Research of Certificates Examination in Business and Management Student: Testing of Predict Behavior Model and Experiments of Attitude Change
在政府積極推動證照制度下,證照考試愈來愈受到重視,證照不只是專業能力的證明,亦是許多企業視為用才錄取的依據,因應環境的變化,促使學校積極推動學生在學時即能取得專業證照。第一年包括二個子研究,研究一,採取「調查法」,主要為驗證「計畫行為理論」與「自我調節理論」是否可以解釋商管類學生對證照考試的行為意向,並比較何者具有較佳的解釋力。採取分層取樣,計調查對象包括台灣北、中、南區,共計412 位參與本研究。透過結構方程模組進行
Under the circumstances that the government promotes the system of certificates, certificates examination has received much attention. Certificates not only demonstrate one’s professional ability, but also criteria for a lot of enterprises to recruit employees. Responding to this trend, schools are actively promoting students to obtain specialized certificates while studying. In the first year of project, two sub-studies will be conducted: Study 1, in which 412 students from southern, middle and northern of Taiwan, adopts survey method to examine whether TPB and TSR models can make a stronger predication of students’intentions. Structural equation modeling was used to adopt, compare TPB model and TSR model, which model had better fit of goodness. As expected, the results show that the TSR model having greater fit of goodness than TPB model. Study 2 adopting a series of three experiments is to test whether students’ attitude change toward certificates examination is affected by factors in cognitive dissonance theory, such as foreseeable consequences, responsibility, and irrevocable commitment. As expected, the results also were consistent with cognitive dissonance theory.
Keywords: theory of planned behavior, theory of self-regulation, certification examination, cognitive dissonance theory
Staff rostering using fuzzy multiple criteria evaluation with multiple goals
Hung-Tso Lin
Associate Professor at the Department of Distribution Management,
National Chin-Yi University of Technology
Yi-Chun Liao
Graduate Students at the Department of Distribution Management,
National Chin-Yi University of Technology
Ting-Yu Chen
Graduate Students at the Department of Distribution Management,
National Chin-Yi University of Technology
A service workers rostering problem drawn from the customer service section of a department store in southern Taiwan is addressed in this paper. The section had established relevant service facilities or functions to provide service for their customers. The rostering task is concerned with identifying the workday shifts and service jobs for each worker within a given time horizon. This rostering problem essentially belongs to a repetitive and cyclic personnel placement problem with multiple workers and multiple jobs, where the numbers of available workers and demand workforce are variable. The current rostering method is a seniority orientation way. This method has some drawbacks. In addition to the discrimination against the workers of shorter experience, the suitability between each worker and each service job, termed worker-job suitability, the cooperation degree among workers, termed worker-worker compatibility, and the preference of working shifts for the workers have not been considered. This paper aims to develop an effective approach to deal with the rostering problem by taking into the management goals consist of suitability, compatibility and preference. Due to the vagueness of service demands and the complexity of human attributes, the concept of triangular fuzzy number is employed to improve the evaluation results. The utility similarities of fuzzy assessments with the linguistic grade of very good are used to measure the fitness grade for the rostering results. A mixed integer programming model is proposed to fulfill the efficient rostering policy. The proposed method is a value-added and easily performed roastering tool, it can be used to assure that the right workers are placed in the right jobs and the right workers are placed together in a job.
Keywords: Staff rostering; Suitability; Compatibility; Preference; Fuzzy evaluation
An Analysis of Arbitrage Trader and Stabilization Fund Behavior:
the Case of Taiwan StockMarket during the 921 Earthquake Period
Jung-Yao Hung*
Department of Logistics Management, National Kaohsiung Marine University
Tai Ma
Department of Finance, National Sun Yat-sen University
本研究以市場交易者面臨到的可能交易狀況建立交易樹,建構委託單驅動分盤競價市場之套利交易機率模型,並藉由建立套利交易機率模型來分析護盤基金行為及其績效。實證部分是以台灣1999 年9 月21 日發生地震時,護盤基金進場事件進行研究。關於護盤基金的行為和績效,我們有四個主要發現(1)所有樣本公司均有顯著的套利交易。其中,護盤基金樣本公司之套利交易規模並未高於其他公司;(2)護盤基金樣本公司之績效相較於一般時期,僅有流動性較為顯著。同時,護盤基金樣本公司與未護盤樣本公司間績效並無顯著差異;(3)樣本公司日內套利交易機率分配型態均為倒J 型,代表護盤期間之套利交易主要集中在開盤期間;(4)相對於未護盤樣本公司,護盤基金樣本公司之套利交易與市場漲跌關係較為密切,反而對各股漲跌反應較不靈敏。
Based on possible situations encountered by market traders, this study constructed a tree of trading process and a probability model of arbitrage trading in order-driven call market, and analyzed the behavior and performance of the stabilization fund through this model. In the empirical study, we analyzed the stabilization fund event during the period of the 921 earthquake. Our four main findings are: 1) there is arbitrage trading in all of the sample companies, in which the arbitrage trading scale of the stabilization fund sample companies is not higher than that of the others. 2) Regarding the performance of the stabilization fund sample companies, only the liquidity is significantly different compared to ordinary time. And there is no significant difference between the performance of the stabilization fund sample companies and that of non-stabilization samples. 3) The intraday patterns of arbitrage trading of all sample companies present an inverted “J” shape, which means the arbitrage trading concentrates in the opening during the stabilization period. 4) In contrast to the non-stabilization samples, the arbitrage trading of the stabilization fund sample companies has a remarkable relationship with the performance of the market, but not with that of individual stocks.
Keywords:Stabilization Fund, Probability of Arbitrage Trading, Intraday Patterns.
Three Mechanisms of IT Governance, Corporate Governance and Firm Performance
資訊科技( Information Technology,IT)治理議題近幾年在台灣已逐漸受到重視,但相關的實證文獻並不多。Peterson(2004)認為IT 治理應包含三大機制,即結構(Structure)、程序(Process)以及關係機制(Relation Mechanism)。然而IT 治理三大機制之間如何互相影響則尚未有學者探討過,而隸屬於公司治理範圍下之IT 治理實際上與公司治理的關係為何,以及IT 治理實行程度是否會影響企業的經營績效,皆是重要的議題,故本研究目的在探討: (1)IT 治理三大機制之間的關係,(2)IT 治理與公司治理的關係,以及(3)IT治理實行程度對企業的經營績效影響。
本研究主要結果發現:(1) IT 治理結構和IT 治理關係機制兩者為影響IT 治理程序運作的關鍵因素。IT 治理各職責單位的設立情形愈普遍、業務部門與IT 部門溝通交流及分享機制做的愈好的公司,其IT 治理程序運作也愈好。尤其是有設立CIO、與IT 專案委員會的公司,IT 治理的程序運作較好;而有設立業務部門與IT 部門互相溝通角色的公司,在IT 策略制定與溝通協調的能力也較未設置公司佳; (2)外部與獨立董事因具備充足的專業知識與獨立性,若董事會有針對公司的IT 議題進行討論,則外部與獨立董事設置的比例愈高,對公司IT 政策的指引與檢視有幫助,整體IT 實行程度也愈高; 以及(3) IT 治理水準高的企業,其資產報酬率(ROA)的表現顯著高於IT 治理水準低的公司。
關鍵詞:IT 治理, IT 治理機制, 公司治理, 企業經營績效
The purposes of this study are: (1) to examine the relationship among three mechanisms of IT governance which had been addressed but not verified by previous literatures, (2) to draw the link between corporate governance and IT governance, and (3) to investigate the impact of IT governance on firm performance.
The main findings of this study are as follows. First, the structures and relational capabilities are crucial determinants of the process capability of IT governance. Especially the existence of CIO position has significantly positive impact on the process capability of IT governance. Second, the greater the ratio of seats of outside and independent directors to total seats of board of directors, the higher the IT governance maturity when board of directors do include IT issues in the meeting. Finally, the performance of the firms with higher IT governance maturity is significantly superior to the firms with lower IT governance maturity.
Keywords: IT Governance, Corporate Governance, Firm Performance.
消費者混淆與認證識別系統影響購買滿意度之研究– 以消費者購買信心為中介變項
The Effect of Consumer’s Confusion and Voluntary Certification System on Purchase Satisfaction –Consumer’s Confidence is the Mediating Variable
簡南山 Nan-Shan Chien
王東崑 Dung-Kuen Wang
吳冠槿 Kuan-Chin Wu
When consumers purchase products, too many types and serious risky food will increase the consumer confusion. It will lead to delay in purchase of consumer, cognitive dissonance, and dissatisfaction in purchase. This research uses three dimensions in attitudes (cognition, emotion and behavior tendency) to understands and measure the degree in which the consumer use the certification system to select and purchase packaged food, to study how the certification system increase customers’ confidence in purchasing, and how it deceases negative effects (dissatisfaction in purchase) caused by consumers’ confusion. Verify the consumer confidence is the mediating variable among the consumer confusion, certification system, and satisfaction in purchase.
Keywords: Consumer Confusion, Voluntary Certification System, Purchase Satisfaction, Consumer Confidence
The Influences of the Preventive Function of Counterfactual Thinking on Repurchase Intentions
研究上的重要性。然而,相關實證性研究資料卻極盡缺乏。故本研究首先探究由向上逆事實思考觸發、消費者再購時的預防機轉效果。接著,再探討記憶狀態與情境狀況對於向上逆事實思考所引發的預防意圖效果之影響。本研究藉由虛擬故事法設計問卷,再運用SPSS 與SAS 統計軟體分析,以實證方式進行研究驗證,並據此討論管理義涵並發展行銷實務之建議。
Some researches about the concept of counterfactual thinking have pointed out that the upward counterfactual thinking could lead consumers to a better decision. Although the concept is closely related to our daily life and its importance is also obvious in the field of consumer behavior, related studies are short on empirical orientation. Therefore, this research explores, in the beginning, consumers’ preventing effects caused by upward counterfactual thinking while they are considering buying the similar product again. Then, the interference effects of memory and situation states have been discussed. The researcher develops questionnaires with scenario and the statistic softwares such as SPSS and SAS have been employed to analyze the empirical data and discuss the theoretical implications of this research and explores its consequences for marketers.
Keywords: counterfactual thinking; memory states; preventing intention; repurchase intention
The Quality Level Range for the Low-end Disruptive Innovation Products
Guey-Sen Wu
Professor, Department of Finance, Ling Tung University
Neng-Huei Lee
Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, National Quemoy University
Chia-Ting Lee
Master, Department of Finance, Ling Tung University
近代廠商常以產品創新為競爭策略,以「營業秘密」保護創新成為領導企業。但其創新產品,亦會吸引競爭廠商採取還原工程(reverse engineering)、獨自發掘(independentdiscovery)等方式,進入市場分享利潤。低階產品破壞性創新具有癱瘓「領導企業」的殺傷力。由於領導企業的資源分配往往是投向維持性創新,朝高階市場挺進,也不會對破壞者有興趣的市場或新市場採取防範措施,這種現象稱為「不對稱動機(asymmetricmotivation)」。因此,領導企業的「組織結構」很難因應破壞性創新而創新者陷入兩難的關鍵,亦是破除兩難的著力點。例如:小鋼鐵廠紐可鋼鐵公司(Nucor)、折扣零售商、佳能公司(Canon)之桌上型影印機、進攻北美市場的韓國汽車等等,就是攻擊原有或主流價值網絡中的低階市場,他們並沒有創造新市場,只是用低成本掠奪市場在位者的低利潤顧客。本文給定創新產品之邊際成本包含基礎之常數邊際成本;隨著品質水準呈現二次函數之組件的邊際成本。本論文於決策模式中以銷售量與產品品質水準作為決策變數,建構低階破壞性創新產品品質之決策模型,試圖提供創新者兩難的解答。
Product innovation is an important competitive strategy for firms in our country recently, and trade secret is an important protection type for this innovation leader. Trade secret produces a new product for sale, and the competitors may develop it by reverse engineering or independent discovery, and then enter this market to earn profits. The low-end disruptive innovation products have disruptive powers to innovation leader. Because the leading innovator always distributes their resources to consistent higher lever innovation, and no defense to these disruptors, is so called “asymmetric motivation”. So, the leading innovator’s “organization structure” is very difficult to response the low-end disruptive innovation products challenge and fall in the innovator’s dilemma, and these are the effort point for the innovator’s solution. For these example of Nucor, a discount store, Canon, and Hyundai are attack the markets of the low-end innovation products by lower prices and lower profits.
This study’smodels with two decision variables of sales quantity and product quality level in decision models by combines product’s marginal cost function is a quadratic function of quality level, to get the solution for the innovator’s dilemma.
Keywords: Disruptive Innovation, Low-end Products, Quality Level , Secret Protection Horizon
A Study of the Key Success Factors for Leisure Farms in Taiwan
Meng-Hsun Lee
Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration,
Chang Jung Christian University
Guan-Jie Chen
Student, Department of Business Administration,
Chang Jung Christian University
As the leisure farms is thriving in Taiwan, an important issue for its promising future is the usage of right strategies to create competitive advantages and lead to successful operating. This study develops concept index via Porter’s value chain (1985) and later uses fuzzy Delphi method and fuzzy analytical hierarchical process (FAHP) to derive the “key success factors (KSF) for leisure farms in Taiwan”, they are “uniqueness of landscape and ecological resources”,“richness of agricultural resources”, “attraction of landscape and ecological resources”, “service quality”, “convenience of room and board”, and “educational explication service”. Among them, the front three key success factors are included in the dimension of “local resource”; later three key success factors belong to the dimension of “farm service”. At last, according to above mentioned research results, so as to provide a reference for practitioners’operation, wishing competitive advantage could be upgraded.
Keywords: Leisure Farms, Competitive Advantages, Key Success Factors
The Effect of Government-sponsored R&D Program on R&D Outputs:
Absorptive Capability as a Moderator
Innovation has always been the key to economic growth, but also the core of strategy to enhance national competitiveness. Many countries strongly to promote industrial technology R&D and innovation in order to enhance the competitive edge, supply many direct R&D subsidies to urge enterprises engaged in innovation activities to enhance national competitiveness and promote economic development. The past literature focused on the firms after receiving government subsidy program impact, but it ignores the process of innovation in R&D, has its own absorption capacity to establish technical basis for future development. Therefore, I set the absorption capacity of moderator variables to explore government subsides programs of the impact of R&D output. This study explores the firms who
participate in Industrial Technology Development Program (ITDP) in Taiwan whether increase its R&D output by public R&D grants and the impact of public R&D grants on their private R&D. This study set up a regression model, using hierarchical regression methods to examine each independent variable on the dependent variable impact. It was found that absorption capacity in the long-term performance of firms has a positive significant effect, and can re-conversion the gradually weakened effect of government R&D subsidies, to promote R&D output target. The result may lead to a better understand that what kind of characteristics could improve firm’s R&D output and be useful for policy makers in government-sponsored R&D program.
Keyword: R&D subsidies, R&D output
Yun-Cheng Huang
Department of Industrial Management Professor,
National Pingtung University of Science and Technology
Chiao-Ying Li
Department of Industrial Management,
National Pingtung University of Science and Technology
Chia-Hao Chan
Department of Industrial Management,
National Pingtung University of Science and Technology
The paper focuses on quality improvement strategies for manufacturing process. When the manufacturing process is in abnormal condition, managers applied all kinds of quality-improving strategies to keep their product qualities stable. Besides, different quality-improving strategies have very complex relationship between quality costs and revenue. In this paper, we proposed a total expected profit model to find out the best quality-improving strategy. Considering cost under different production equipments, we assumed that the characteristic of products is normally distributed with known mean and variance. Based on optimization technique, the optimal mean and variance can be obtained to optimize the total expected profit. Furthermore, we also develop a numerical example to illustrate the meaning of this research and the result, which could be used by the later researches and actual applications.
Keywords: quality improvement, quality cost, production equipment cost
Yun-Cheng Huang
Department of Industrial Management Professor,
National Pingtung University of Science and Technology
Sih-Ting Chen
Department of Industrial Management,
National Pingtung University of Science and Technology
Shin-Tso Pan
Department of Industrial Management,
National Pingtung University of Science and Technology
The main propose of this article is to establish optimal ordering Strategy for multiple goods under the stochastic demand. Because the customer arrival time is random and the purchasing quantity is also a random variable, so we need to formulate a suitable model to solving the optimal ordering problem. For some merchandise, its sales conditions can be partitioned into three periods: peak-time period, off-peak-time period and holidays. Because of the demands for different goods are not the same, so we need to collect the interarrival time between customers and the transaction data, and then we applied the statistical theory to predict the demand and its distribution. In addition, we build up an inventory model and according to the optimization technique and numerical analysis method, the article can find out the optimal ordering quantity and reorder point to minimize the total expected cost. The Sensitivity analysis was taken to realize the influence of parameters. Finally, four conclusions are drawn for practical applications and future studies.
Keywords: Stochastic demand、Lead time、Sensitivity analysis
The Effects of Waiting Duration Information on the Waiting Time Perception–
Moderatorsof Personality Characteristics and Service Attributes
Chih-Hui Hsiao
Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Marketing and Logistics, National Chiayi
Chin-Fa Tsai
Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administraion, National Chiayi University
Szn-Yun Wu
Graduate Student, Graduate Institute of Marketing and Logistics, National Chiayi University
本研究以三因子變異數分析探討探討「等待時間資訊(有告知vs.無告知)」對消費者等待時間知覺的影響,並以「服務屬性(享樂性vs.功能性)」和「人格特質(A 型vs.B 型人格特質)」做為調節變數,看是否會對此一影響關係帶來干擾作用,故為一2×2×2 的完全受試者間設計。而其中的享樂性服務與功能性服務則分別以遊樂園的「Cyril 瘋狂魔術秀影片」和郵局的「郵局服務品質衡量」為代表。研究結果顯示,(1)享樂性服務的遊樂園消費者會比功能性服務的郵局消費者有較短的等待時間知覺;(2)有告知等待時間會比未告知等待時間有較短的等待時間知覺;(3)A 型人格特質的消費者比B 型人格特質的消費者知覺到較長的等待時間;(4)在功能性服務下,人格特質與有無告知等待時間,對消費者等待時間知覺的影響具有交互作用;(5)在A 型人格特質下,服務屬性與有無告知等待時間,對消費者等待時間知覺的影響具有交互作用。
This research explores how the waiting duration information (be informed and not be informed) influences customers’ perceptions of waiting time. It also explores how the personality characteristics (type A and type B) and service attributes (hedonic and utilitarian) as moderators influence the waiting time perception. The authors choose the theme park and post office as the representatives of the hedonic and utilitarian services respectively. The main conclusions are as follows. First, different service attributes lead to different customers' perceptions of waiting time. Second, when customers are informed about the waiting duration information, their perception of waiting time is short. Third, customers with type A personality percept shorter waiting time than those with type B personality. Fourth, the interaction among personality characteristics, service attributes and waiting duration information is significant.
Keyword: Waiting duration information, Personality characteristics, Service attributes, Waiting time perception
A Longitudinal Study on Internship Effectiveness in Higher Vocational Education
本研究為縱向研究,主要探討在實習階段實習承諾之多構面的預測值,作為反映實習制度的成效,參與者為完成校外實習的三年級學生。結構方程模型程式應用在357 份有效問卷上,研究結果顯示出個人目標導向和師徒制度影響個人-工作和個人-組織組合,進而影響實習工作滿意度與承諾,而學生學習目標導向是不顯著預測因子。本研究發現實習制度(即工作環境學習經驗)及專業師徒制度的傳承都將會提昇學生的個人成熟度和未來就業能力。
A cooperative education experience (or internship placement) is an essential component of the curricula of higher education. The efficacy of internship placements has become one of the major concerns facing those who develop education curricula. The purpose of this longitudinal study was to explore the relationships among the multi-faceted predictors of intern commitment to the internship profession as a
reflection of internship efficacy. Participants were drawn from third-year undergraduate students. A structural equation model applied to the final sample of 357 usable questionnaires demonstrated that individual goal orientation and mentoring positively affected both person–job and person–organization fit, leading to intern job satisfaction and commitment to the profession. A non-significant predictor, student learning goal orientation, is also comprehensively discussed. The findings imply that incorporating an internship (i.e., workplace learning experience) and professional mentoring into higher vocational education curricula would advance students’ personal growth and future careers.
Keywords: Commitment, Goal orientation, Internship, Job satisfaction, Mentoring, Person-job fit
Exploring HR-XML 3.0 Application in Human Resource Management
一直以來,「選賢與能,因才適任」為企業於人力資源管理上之期望與目標,同時也是企業邁向成功的第一步,在現今資訊發達的時代裡,求職徵才理應更加便利迅速,然而卻因缺乏系統化與標準化之規範,導致企業於人才遴選上曠日費時,求職者無法適得其所,再多的人力銀行的產生依然無濟於事。所以,為能有效發揮企業求職媒合之最大綜效,人力資源領域內必須擁有一套具備公信力與通用的資料標準,廣為百大企業所採用之HR-XML 3.0 即為一套適用於人力資源管理之資料標準,導入HR-XML 3.0 標準將使資料交換更加迅速,而以HR-XML 3.0 標準為基準所設計之職能差異分析系統涵蓋了知識,技術,能力及心理與認證層面,將有助於強化企業內外部人力資源之資訊交流。因此,本研究將針對HR-XML 應用於人力資源管理及整合進行分析與探討,提出HR-XM 3.0 之架構、優勢、與現存人力銀行系統之差異和未來發展性,藉由蒐集國內外相關文獻並以文獻資料分析法加以彙整及分析近年來HR-XML 3.0 於人力資源管理之應用情形,目的在於找出HR-XML 3.0 標準於人力資源管理上之發展趨勢及未來性,而研究結果將可作為企業未來欲導入HR-XML3.0 標準於人力資源管理之應用參考。
關鍵字:HR-XML 3.0、人力資源管理、資料標準、文獻資料分析法
The new approaches of speeding right people into right enterprises have been expectation in the human resource management. By the way, it is a successful factor for human resource management. Nowadays, in the 21 century, whether applying for a job or recruitment should be more convenient and quickly. However, lacking of systematize and standardize paradigm makes enterprises wasting more time on recruiting and the employee could not get a suitable job, either, even though so many job banks are available, the problem still exists. In order to matching recruitments with candidates more and more efficiency, the domain of human resource should need data exchange standard includes credibility and generalization.
HR-XML 3.0 is widely used by hundreds of large enterprises. Implementing HR-XML 3.0 into human source management will makes data exchanging more quickly and efficiency. Applying HR-XML 3.0 to develop competency analysis system can base on attributes of knowledge, skill, ability, psychometric and certification. Using HR-XML 3.0 will strengthen information exchanging on internal and external human resource of enterprises.
Consequently, this research will focus on analyzing and exploration of application and integration between HR-XML 3.0 and human resource management, furthermore, presenting the infrastructure, advantages, the difference from the existed job bank system and the development in the future. By collecting mass of references and using literature review method, to find the circumstances of HR-XML 3.0 standard implementing into human resource management and the purpose is exploring the trend for future development. The result of this research could provide direction about implementing HR-XML 3.0 standard into human resource management in the near future.
Keywords: HR-XML 3.0, Human Resource Management, Data Standard, Literature Review Method
EWPS 跨界工作者適性量表遴選決策之效益研究–以就業服務外展人員為例
A Case Study of Selection Criteria Effectiveness by EWPS for Boundary Spanner Personal Scale
in Taiwan Employment Service Outreach
Hsuan-Kai Chen
Department of Marketing and Logistics Management,
Chaoyang University of Technology
Shang-Ping Lin
Department of Business Administration,
National YunLin University of Technology
Tsai-Ding Lin
Department of International Business,
Tunghai University
本研究透過公部門遴選就業服務外展人員個案,收集所採用跨界工作者個人適性量表(Boundary Spanners Personal Scale 亦稱為EWPS)量測分數與工作績效指標,藉此實證(1) 重要度-績效度分析法IPA (Importance-Performance Analysis)與Cascio (1998)遴選決策之效益評估模式之運用與分析;(2)各樣本組於Taylor & Russell (1939)模式之關聯性;(3) EWPS 跨界工作者適性量表具備良好甄選效度的優質遴選工具。研究顯示,運用重要度-績效度分析法,經EWPS 量表成功率預測值對照工作績效值之分析,於「低績效分數值-低EWPS 預測值」組(L,L)部分者預測成功率達62.8%,建議加強教育訓練提升其「銷售工作技能」,達到更好的績效;而對於「高績效分數值-高EWPS 預測值」組(H,H)部分者預測成功率近50%弱,則保持優勢持續提升生產力。
另外,對於EWPS 量表人事甄選決策效用,經個案機構外展服務人員全國5 大就業中心分為6 組共326 位有效樣本,依據EWPS 成功率與工作績效,遵循泰勒及羅素(Taylor & Russell, 1939)概念,分析其人事甄選決策效用,獲得其平均效益為13.64%。整體而言「EWPS 量表」,其正確錄用率計算獲知介於64.6% ~ 80.3%,而正確錄用率平均值約為70.0%,支持其做為甄選跨界工作者的適當甄選工具。
關鍵詞:跨界工作者、遴選效益、EWPS 量表
The purpose of this study is to verify the following three researches by the EWPS scale (the boundary-spanner personal scales), which collected the data of 326 effective samples from outreach personnel in Taiwan public sector. On research 1, the integrated IPA (Importance-Performance Analysis) and personnel selection decision for cost-benefit analysis (Cascio, 1998) to be found the EWPS scale well performed to predict “High Performance, High EWPS score” with the success predictive rate of 62.8% and “Low Performance, Low EWPS score” with the success predictive rate of 50.0% or so. On research 2, six groups of divided-sample based on the rule studied by Taylor and Russell (1939), to indicate the some positive correlations and have the mean effectiveness rate of 13.64% in personnel selection decision. On research 3, the EWPS scale was supported to be taken it for granted as a useful tool with high success hit ratio from 64.6% to 80.3% in human resource management area
The Association between Organizational Life Cycle,
Business Structure and Financial Performance of Public Accounting Firms
Yahn-Shir Chen
Associate Professor, Department and Graduate Institute of Accounting,
National Yunlin University of Science and Technology
I-Ching Huang
Department of Marketing Management,
Yung Ta Institute of Technology & Commerce
This study investigated the association between business structure and financial performance of public accounting firms in different stages of organizational life cycle.
The audit firms are divided into large, medium and small firms in terms of size. According to the growth trend of total sales, the organizational life cycle of each sample accounting firms are categorized into three stages, which are young, adult, and old stages. The sales of non-audit services and financial performance are tested to see whether there exist the significant differences in different stages of life cycle. The results show that the non-audit services of all three sizes of CPA firms are significantly positive related to the financial performance of all three life cycle stages. The financial performance is significantly different in each life cycle stage. About the business structure, the sales of non-audit services are higher than that of the other two stages for large CPA firms. However, the young stage of medium CPA firms has the lowest sales of non-audit services of the three stages. And for small CPA firms, there are no significantly differences in the sales of non-audit services of the three stages. Finally, the larger of the size of CPA firms, the better of financial performance in all three life cycle stages.
Keywords: public accounting firms, organizational life cycle, financial performance
Capital Structure, Dividend Policy and Firm Value: The Agency Cost Perspective
Hui-Sung Kao
Assistant Professor, Department of Accounting, Feng Chia University
Chuen-Jen Tsai
Graduate Student, Department of Accounting, Feng Chia University
本研究以2004 年至2009 年之台灣上市櫃公司為樣本,分別以控制權偏離程度(DEV)及內部人持股比率(INS),代表在權益代理成本高及權益代理成本低之情況下,公司主要財務政策-資本結構及股利政策,是否具有監督效果,降低管理當局及外部股東間可能產生的權益代理成本,而影響公司價值。實證結果發現,資本結構方面,當公司在權益代理成本低的情況下,負債比率具有監督管理當局之效果,可避免公司價值招受損害,而短期負債則在權益代理成本高及低兩種情況下,皆具有監督效果,顯示公司舉債若為短期負債,其監督的效果是比長期負債佳。股利政策方面,當公司在高權益代理成本情形下,股利政策具有監督作用,其中股票股利在權益代理成本高及低兩種情況下,皆具有監督效果,但現金股利則僅在權益代理成本低的情形下具監督效用。最後,排除資本結構與股利政策相互影響之內生性效果後,以二階段最小平方法估計之結果,顯資本結構與股利政策在權益代理成本低的情況下,可減輕管理當局與股東之間的代理問題,提升公司價值。本研究實證結果可供外部投資者、債權人以及管理當局等,進行相關決策之參考。
This study used data of Taiwan stock market from 2004 to 2009. Using control deviation (DEV) and the percentage of insider ownership (INS) as proxy variables of the high equity agency cost and low equity agency cost. The objective of this research is to analyze the effect of monitoring on capital structure and dividend policy. Reduce the equity agency costs between management and outside shareholders to affect the value of the company. The results show that when the equity agency cost was low, debt has supervisory effect. Short-term liabilities has supervisory effect both in the high and low equity agency cost. When the equity agency cost was high, dividend policy has the supervisory effect but stock dividend has the supervisory effect on both the high and low equity agency cost. Finally, exclude the endogenous problem between capital structure and dividend policy. We use 2SLS to estimate the model again. The results show that capital structure and dividend policy can reduces the agency problem between the administrative authorities and shareholders, and enhance firm value in the low equity agency cost situation. Our results can help outside investor, creditor, and manager to make correct decisions.
Keywords: Capital structure, Dividend policy, Firm value, Agency cost.
在資訊科技的環境中,各行業都會利用電腦資訊的優點來提升產業的品質與競爭力。醫院供護士使用的電腦都設置在護理站中,在進行巡房或臨床照護時,即時取得病人的資訊是相當不易。因此,近年來開始興起行動護理站,結合無線網路技術,導入護理資訊系統及臨床護理實務的護理工作車。在現今的系統上,只能減少人工書寫傳送、聯繫的耗時及人為失誤等缺點的產生,當突發狀況發生時,卻無法立即、完整的得到病患相關訊息。本研究目的是利用行動護理無線化的機動特性,當靜脈滴注(Intravenous drip)發生狀況時會發出警訊,藉由無線網路環境將訊息傳送至行動護理站中,系統將會依據護理人員原有的排程做適當調整,使照護中更具有彈性及規劃性,進而提升護理服務品質。
In the environment of information technology, every industry takes the advantages of using computers to upgrade the quality of the industry and to raise competitiveness. Information required by nurses are all stored in the computes located at the nursing station. When visiting and performing clinical care, it’s difficult to obtain instant information about patients which leads to the development of mobile nursing station that utilizes wireless network technology and has installed nursing information system. Currently, the utilization of nursing information system can only reduce the work of written piles of papers, delay of human communication, and human errors. However, when unexpected incident occurred, we won’t be able to obtain instant information about patients. In this paper, we propose a intravenous drip scheduling system that uses the character of mobile nursing system to transmit the warning signal through wireless network environment when situation occurs in intravenous drip. System
takes consideration of new situation and reschedules the original intravenous drip plan. We are looking forward to make nursing care more elastic and stable and eventually to elevate the quality of nursing care.
Keywords: mobile nursing station, intravenous drip, wireless network environment, nursing information system (NIS)
Gender Differences in Computer Learning
Fan, Tai-Sheng
Associate Professor, Department of MIS,
National Pingtung University of Science and Technology
Li, Yi-Ching
Professor, Department of HRM,
National Pingtung University of Science and Technology
結果發現,探討電腦學習性別差異的實證研究大致分為:電腦自我效能、網路自我效能、電腦態度、電腦經驗、電腦使用度、電腦焦慮、電腦素養、使用與學習動機、自我意象、電腦績效、擁有電腦設備和社會支持與鼓勵等12 大項。其中最常被探討的重要項目依序為「電腦自我效能」(21.0%)、「電腦焦慮」(20.3%)和「電腦態度」(19.6%)。
According to the literature reviewed, research comprehensively examined gender difference issues in computer learning were rarely seen. Most of the studies done focused on either a single view point or specific factors. Therefore, we synthesized and evaluated all the studies reviewed, tried to obtain a clearer picture for gender differences in computer learning.
The results showed that gender difference issues in computer learning investigated including computer self-efficacy, internet self-efficacy, attitude toward computer, experience in computing, computer usage, computer anxiety, computer literacy, motivation of using/learning computer, self-image, performance in computing, owning a computer, as well as support and encouragement from the society. Among all these issues, computer self-efficacy (21.0%), computer anxiety (20.3%), and attitudes toward computer (19.6%) were investigated most frequently.
The test of binomial distribution also showed that computer self-efficacy (p<0.001), computer anxiety (p<0.001), attitudes toward computer (p<0.01) and computer literacy (p<0.05) were found to have significant gender differences. Based on the results, suggestions to lessen gender differences on these issues were given.
Keywords: Computer learning, gender differences, computer self-efficacy, attitudes toward computer, computer anxiety.
Do Premiums Assure Better Promotion?Exploring N270 and Product-Premium Fit
Yung-Chi Wu
Department of Information Management,
National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences
Hung-Yi Wu
Department of Information Management,
National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences
Kuo-Jen Chao
Assistant Professor, Department of Information Management,
National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences
Jhin-Ping Jain
Lecturer, Department of Cultural Business Development,
National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences
贈品常被用來作為有力的行銷誘因,而其效果取決於消費者對於贈品的感受。本研究採用ERP 的技術,探討消費者對產品(刺激1)與不同類別贈品、以及不同價值(刺激2)的配適性。贈品分為與產品同類別、非同類別兩種,贈品價值則分為低(產品價值的1/150)、中(產品價值的1/15)、高(產品價值的1/3)三種。研究結果發現當受試者判斷產品與贈品的屬性不配適時,則會引起負向成分N270,且該N270 成份位於人腦的額葉與中葉區域。受試者認為贈品在兩種類別及三種不同價值相比較之下,和銷售商品不同類別且低相對價值的贈品為「低配適贈品」,而「高配適贈品」為中相對價值與同種類產品。因此,N270 有可能可以做為量測消費者對於產品贈品配適的一種內生的神經性指標。
Premiums are usually used as powerful marketing incentives and which effect depends on what consumers perceive. Using ERP technology, we explored the perceived fit of different categories (S1) and related values (S2) between products and premiums. In this study, 7 participants were required to decide the suitability of the premium in stimulus 2 to the product in stimulus 1 in a S1–S2 paradigm. S1 consists of 6 cleaning products. S2 consists of premiums with two attributes: category and value. The premium category could be the same or different category with the selling product. The premium value could be high (1/3 of product value), middle (1/15 of product value) or low (1/150 of product value). This research discovered that N270 elicited in frontal and central areas as the subjects decide the product-premium fit to be low. The premium with different category and low relative value elicited the largest N270 whereas the one with the same category and middle relative value elected lowest N270. Hence, the N270 may potentially be used in marketing research as an endogenous neural indicator of measuring consumers’ attitude towards the product-premium fit.
Keyword: Premium Value, Product-Premium Fit, Event Related Potential, N270
Design New Courses for Executive Master Business Administration Program:
A Case Study of Southern Taiwan University
Ching-Ho Leu
Dept. of Business Administration, Southern Taiwan University of Technology
Hsiu-Chuan Wu
Nan Ya Plastics Corporation
The purpose of this research is to understand the opinion of EMBA graduates of Southern Taiwan University on current curriculum planning and learning processes. Through interviewing graduate mentors, we collect and design three new courses, including crisis management, tax and law and living arts and management. Then through survey, we further collect the opinion of current master graduates on the preference of new courses. Using conjoint analysis we study whether students with different learning motivation, different curriculum expectations, and different learning transfer have different attributes preference on new courses. We hope the better design courses may enhance student learning, and may provide a reference of the school curriculum planning.
The main findings of this study are as follows: As a whole, in curriculum planning, EMBA students think that the most important matter is course subjects, followed by evaluation methods, and followed by teaching methods. In course subjects, the most favorite course subject is "crisis management", followed by "tax and law", and followed by the "living arts and management". In teaching methods, students like "industry collaborative teaching", followed by "cases method", and followed by "traditional method". In evaluation methods, students favorite "report", followed by "report+exam", and followed by "exam ". While students with different learning motivation, different curriculum expectations, different learning transfer have no significant differences on course attributes importance values and have some significant differences on component utilities.
Keyword: motivation to learn , Course expectations , transfer of learning , curriculum design , Conjoint analysis
esearch The Most Appropriate Method Structure of Trading
Decision N-Making Policies For Used Car Exchange Shops
Yun-Cheng Huang
Professor, Department of Industrial Management,
National PingTung University of Science and Technology
HSing-Hua Lai
Institute of Industrial Management,
National PingTung University of Science and Technology
Ching-Hong Huang
Institute of Industrial Management,
National PingTung University of Science and Technology
貨運行業在我國台灣島內的南、北貨的運輸上、進出口貨運,以及新興物流管理中心等,扮演著極具重要的角色,是一項不可或缺的交通運輸工具,當然在每年所創造的營收上就非常可觀,但在這個大環境影響之下,並非所有人都有足夠的經濟可以支撐購置一台2、3 百萬的新大貨車,大部份的人甚至在換車的同時,根本就從沒考量過購買新車的意願,以自家經營貨運公司、買賣中古貨車為例,在現有2 百餘位車主中,近3 成車主每3-5 年之間,就會更換一部車,而換車的動機,不乏是因為車輛載重不足、車齡問題或者見到自已非常喜愛的車輛等因素,而產生購車及換車的念頭,但在這3 成的車主之中,卻沒有一個車主願意選擇購買新車,主要原因是考量經濟問題,但受到無法滿足貨運量或車輛狀況等,在不得不選擇換車的情況之下,選購中古車就變成一個非常重要的決策問題,本研究係以自家經營中古車行的角度去探討中古貨車的買賣行為,這種買賣是一種非常專業的行業,從買賣、議價、存貨、行銷、出售等過程中,包含了議價策略、存貨管理、行銷策略、談判學、心理學等各種專業的知識與常識,在這項專業的工作領域中,更讓許多新手卻步,也讓絕大部份的專業經營者不願與他人共同分享這一大塊市場。經由實證結果,本研究之結論如下:1.在進貨交易議價模式中,最適的交易模式則是議價車輛扣除折舊成本後,再減預估車況所扣減之金額,此值則為中古車行的議價成本,另以預期獲利做為雙方議價空間。2.在出售交易議價模式中,最適的交易模式則是以實際進貨成本加上整理成本,此值為中古車行賣方的實際成本,並以此做為議價之基準及業界行情價,另再以預期獲利的倍數做為雙方議價空間。
Freight industry is playing a very important role in Taiwan transportation marked. All the commodities from north to south or south to north, import and export cargo, also, as well as new logistics management center, and so on. It is an indispensable means of transportation. As matter of the fact, the annual revenue on the freight transportation profession is very high profit. But, under the economic influence, not everyone be able to afford, two to three million dollars new large trucks. When people want to change their vehicles, their don’t even think about buy a new vehicles.From our own transportation company as an example, we sell used trucks, then in our existed 200 trucks owners; about 30% of the owners will replace the trucks between three to five years. The motivation for change the truck, because the capacity insufficiency, the age of the truck problems, or the owner saw what he likes.But in these 30% of owners, they did not choose to buy a new truck, mainly due to consider the economic issue. However, under have to change the truck circumstances, many owners will buy a used car. In order to select and purchase a used truck decision turn to be a very important policy making.The study is based on to our freight transportation company experience. The used trucks sell dealer is a very specialized industry, from the pricing, sales, negotiation, inventory and marketing, all the sales process, contains a bargaining strategy, stock management, marketing strategy, negotiation, even a psychology and many other professional knowledge. In this specialized work domain, actually discourage the
novice to start with, and in the specialized professional operators do not want to share their knowledge with other people. The conclusions of this study are as follows:1. In the inventory transaction negotiated price pattern, after the most suitable transaction pattern is the negotiated price vehicles deduct the cost of depreciation, then reduces the estimate reorganization cost, after in addition anticipated profit, this value for operator (buyer) the bargain cost, does in addition take the anticipated profit's multiple as both sides negotiates a price the space. 2. In the sell transaction negotiated price pattern, the most suitable transaction pattern is adds on the reorganization cost by the actual purchasing cost, this value for the buyer actual cost value, take this value's making as the datum 1/10 (field quotation price) for operator's anticipated lowest profit value, in addition again does take the anticipated profit's multiple as both sides negotiates a price the space. Keywords: Used car vehicle, trade pattern, negotiated price
Keywords: truck,used car,price negotiation
單變量ARIMA 模式及類神經網路預測香港國際航空站旅客流量
Prediction of Passenger Flow in Hong Kong International
Airport Using Univariate ARIMA and Neural Network
Hsien-Lun Wong
Associate Professor, Department of International Business,
Minghsin University of Science and Technology
Hong-Wei Chen
Department of Business and Administration,
Minghsin University of Science and Technology
Jaw-Ming Hsu
Department of Business and Administration,
Minghsin University of Science and Technology
航空運量多寡對於整個航空公司的決策方針影響甚鉅,航空公司必須根據未來的運量以規劃出營運的機隊數量,藉此獲取企業最大利益。本研究將針對香港國際航空站旅客流量需求特性,以單變量ARIMA 模式及類神經網路兩種模型分析與預測旅客流量,並收集87 年至99 年旅客流量月資料進行實證分析,討論模式的預測準確度與預測能力。研究發現模式預測之旅客流量MAPE 值皆小於10%,整體而言,未來香港國際航空站旅客流量是呈現向上的趨勢。研究結論可作為營運單位於擬定短期計畫施政及營運計畫時之參考依據。
關鍵字:香港國際航空站、旅客流量、單變量ARIMA 模式、類神經網路
The quantity of the air passenger and air cargo influences the decision making on the airline company’s policy. The fleet planning is determined in accordance to the trend of air cargo and air passenger traffic. An ”Auto-Regressive Integrated moving Average(ARIMA)”model and ” Artificial Neural Networks(AHH) ” are employed for time series data test. The data used for model is the passenger flow of Hong Kong international airport from 1998 to 2010. The empirical results show that the forecasting error rate of the model is smaller than 10%. The conclusion would use as a reference for planning the airport management.
Keywords: ARIMA, AHH, Hong Kong international airport, Passenger flow, MAPE