一、 |
我國高等教育機構研發成果運用之比較-採成本與收益觀點 |
張彥輝、耿筠 |
二、 |
國際觀光旅館宴會廳內外場員工工作壓力、工作倦怠與離職傾向之相關研究 |
許順旺、林瑋婷、蘇紅文 |
三、 |
洪德俊、黃冠傑 |
四、 |
新產品開發的供應商評量 |
何應欽、康馨予 |
五、 |
技專校院商科教師教學實務之應用分析:認知學徒制的觀點 |
周春美 |
A COMPARATIVE STUDY ON THE APPLICATION OF R&D OUTCOMES OF ACADEMIC INSTITUTIONS IN TAIWAN – VIEWPOINTS FROM COST AND REVENUE 張彥輝 和春技術學院觀光與休閒管理系助理教授 耿筠 國立雲林科技大學企業管理系教授 摘要 本研究運用我國高等教育機構的研發經費、研發成果與授權收益等普查資料,從「專利研發成本」與「授權收益比」的觀點,比較我國高等教育機構中「綜合大學校院」與「技職大學校院」兩類之差異。從「專利研發成本」的觀點而言,技職大學校院低於綜合大學校院3.49倍。從研發投入「授權收益比」來看,技職大學校院為綜合大學校院1.33倍。結果顯示整體而言,技職大學校院研發經費投入比綜合大學校院少,卻能夠取得較高的授權收益成效。本文針對技職大學校院在產學合作與研發成果運用面的發展,提出幾項建議,作為我國政府主管單位及高等教育機構掌管研發管理、技術合作與產學合作等相關單位主管參考。 關鍵詞:高等教育機構、專利研發成本、授權收益比、產學合作 |
ABSTRACT This study used information of R&D expenditure, R&D outcomes, and licensing incomes collected from Taiwanese Academic Institutions to compare the difference between “General universities/colleges” and “Technological universities/colleges” in the perspectives of “costs of patent in R&D” and “rate of revenue in authorization” In the perspective of “costs of patent in R&D,” it found that technological universities and colleges can obtain patents 3.49 times more than general universities and colleges. And in the perspective of “rate of revenue in authorization,” technological universities and colleges can obtain patents 1.33 times more than general universities and colleges. Results of the study appeared that technological universities and colleges” had higher commitment in transferring results of R&D into patents and thus created higher revenue by authorisation than general universities and colleges resulting from less R&D expenditure involved. Regarding to the development and application of R&D outcomes and industry/university cooperation of technological universities and colleges, this study have some suggestions as references for Taiwan government authorities and Academic Institutions which are in charge of R&D, technological cooperation, and academy -industry cooperation. Keywords: The Academic Institutions, Costs of Patent in R&D, Rate of Revenue in Authorization, Academy-Industry Collaboration |
國際觀光旅館宴會廳內外場員工工作壓力、工作倦怠與離職傾向之相關研究-以社會支持為干擾變項 A STUDY OF JOB STRESS, BURNOUT AND TURNOVER INTENTION OF EMPLOYEES IN THE BANQUET HALL OF INTERNATIONAL TOURIST HOTELS – SOCIAL SUPPORT AS A MODERATOR 許順旺 輔仁大學餐旅管理學系副教授 林瑋婷 輔仁大學餐旅管理研究所碩士 蘇紅文 輔仁大學餐旅管理學系兼任講師 摘要 本研究旨在探討國際觀光旅館宴會廳員工的工作壓力、工作倦怠對於離職傾向之相關研究。此外,本研究以社會支持作為干擾變項,探討宴會廳員工在高度的社會支持之下,是否能夠減緩其工作壓力,進而降低離職傾向。經深入訪談,萃取題項輔助現成量表,旨在希望本問卷能更適合宴會廳員工,並針對國際觀光旅館宴會廳員工作為研究對象,問卷總計發收600份,回收有效問卷334份。研究結果發現:員工的工作壓力(工作過度負荷、角色衝突、角色模糊及人際關係不和諧)皆與工作倦怠呈顯著正相關;員工的工作倦怠與其離職傾向呈顯著正相關;員工的工作壓力(工作過度負荷、角色衝突、及人際關係不和諧)與離職傾向呈顯著正相關;員工的社會支持對於工作壓力中的角色模糊、人際關係不和諧與離職傾向的關係有干擾效果的存在。期望透過本研究的探討與分析,對未來宴會廳業者在管理及聘用正式員工時有所助益。 關鍵詞:工作壓力、工作倦怠、離職傾向、社會支持 |
ABSTRACT This study examined the relationships of employees in the banquet hall of international tourist hotels on job stress, burnout, and turnover intention. Social support was a moderator to examine that employees of the banquet halls have high social support could release their job stress and reduce their turnover intention. The questionnaire was created by in-depth interview with supervisors of international tourist hotels in order to make it fit for employees of the banquet halls. A total of 600 questionnaires were distributed to employees working in banquet hall of international tourist hotels, and 334 questionnaires were returned for use. The results indicated that: 1. Job stress (including job overload, role conflict, role ambiguity, and inharmonious relationship) had significant positive effect on burnout. 2. Job stress and burnout had significant positive effect on turnover intention. 3. Job stress (including job overload, role conflict, and inharmonious relationship) had significant positive effect on turnover intention. 4. Social support had moderation effect on the relationship between role ambiguity, inharmonious relationship and turnover intention. The conclusions of this study could help for supervisors to mange and hire employees. Keywords: Job Stress, Burnout, Turnover Intention, Social Support |
SMALL AND MEDIUM-SIZED ENTERPRISES ARE THE REPRESENTATIVE 洪德俊 國立中央大學企業管理學系副教授 黃冠傑 國立中央大學企業管理學系博士研究生 南亞技術學院企業管理學系講師 摘要 金融危機以及不動產泡沫造成了二千年代後期的衰退,幾乎全世界的國家嘗試尋求解決之道,各國政府有計畫的來振興經濟,並利用寬鬆的貨幣政策。Peter F. Drucker的『創新與創業精神』言及,創業型經濟使美國於1965年至1985年創造就業機會。創業家精神可以刺激經濟的復甦與成長。當各國政府在幫助大型企業遠離破產的威脅時,他們已選擇忽視中小企業的重要性了,這對經濟將造成不健全的影響,除非大型企業內部具備創業家精神的特質。在臺灣,有超過百分之七十七的總就業人口依賴中小企業,並且中小企業是創業家精神的代表。本文將使用1990年至2007年的歷史資料,以及理論模型來闡述臺灣的中小企業如何成為創業家精神的代表。影響因素包含全球化、市場需求和趨勢、市場資源、以及政府政策。另外,Dess與Lumpkin的創業導向理論將會是邁向創業家精神的最後一塊拼圖。希望本文能喚起政府對中小企業的重視,臺灣中小企業成功的經驗將可以成為其他國家的範例。 關鍵詞:中小企業、創業家精神、創業導向 |
ABSTRACT The financial crisis and bursting of the real estate bubble which caused a recession in the late 2000s has left almost all countries around the world trying to find a solution. Governments trying to revive the economy have been loosening monetary policies. Peter F. Drucker in his book, Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Practice and Principles, discussed the entrepreneurial economy which drove job creation in America from 1965 to 1985. Entrepreneurship can stimulate economic recovery and growth. When governments lend support to large enterprises to counter the threat of bankruptcy, they may be neglecting the importance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This has an unhealthy influence to economy, unless those large enterprises have the characteristic of entrepreneurship inside their organizations. In Taiwan, the Republic of China, however, more than 77 percent of total employment depends on SMEs, which are representative of entrepreneurship. This study uses historical data from 1990 to 2007 and a theoretical model to explain how SMEs have become the representative of entrepreneurship in Taiwan. The factors affecting SMEs include globalization, market needs and trends, market resources, and government policies. Also, entrepreneurial orientation (EO), as summarized by Dess and Lumpkin, is the last piece of the entrepreneurship puzzle. The authors hope that this study can awaken government attention in SMEs. The success of Taiwan’s SMEs can be an example to other countries as to how to encourage long-term economic growth. Keywords: Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs), Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Orientation |
THE EVALUATION OF SUPPLIERS FOR NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT 何應欽 中央大學工業管理研究所教授 康馨予 中央大學企業管理學系碩士 摘要 新產品開發是一知識創造的過程,過去的研究已證實在新產品的開發過程中,廠商若能整合供應商,將可提升新產品的開發績效。因此,廠商該如何評選合適的供應商,並與供應商進行協同產品開發,是實務界極欲了解且非常重要的議題。雖然,過去已有許多的研究針對供應商的評量進行探討,但鮮少是針對新產品開發的供應商評量進行探究。本研究的主旨在建構新產品開發的供應商評量模式,以彌補傳統評量模式的不足。首先,根據過去的文獻,吾人彙整出廠商在評量新產品開發供應商時,可能會考量的評量構面與相關的評量指標。接著,根據前測問卷的分析結果,吾人建構新產品開發的供應商評量模式。然後,以台灣製造業廠商為研究對象,來對評量模式進行檢驗,並使用AHP法(Analytic Hierarchy Process)來求得評量模式內之各項評量構面與指標的權重值。最後,吾人進行實驗來比較評量模式與人類專家的評量差異,以驗證本研究所提出的評量模式是否能於實務中運作。本研究的結果顯示:(1)傳統用來評量供應商的構面(即「供應商的基礎評量」)之重要程度反而比其它評量構面還低,顯示廠商評量新產品開發供應商的方式是有別於傳統的評量方式。(2)吾人彙整出廠商評量新產品開發供應商的前十一大關鍵評量指標,並發現沒有任何一項指標是屬於傳統「供應商的基礎評量」構面的。此結果顯示廠商在評量新產品開發的供應商時,已有別於傳統僅以交易為重點的評量指標來評量供應商。(3)最後,實驗結果顯示本研究所建構的評量模式與人類專家的評量差異很小,顯示本評量模式確實可於實務中運作。換言之,其是可被用於協助廠商評量新產品開發供應商的。 關鍵詞:供應商的評量、新產品的開發、整合供應商的知識、廠商與供應商間的關係、新產品的開發績效 |
ABSTRACT New product development is a knowledge-creation process. Previous studies have shown that involving suppliers in the new product development can increase the performance in developing new products. As a result, how to select right suppliers for the new product development has become an important issue for many companies. Although there have been many studies on the evaluation of suppliers, very few of them are for the new product development. The objective of this study is to propose a model for evaluating suppliers in the new product development. We reviewed previous stuides to come up with the dimensions of the evaluation model and to determine the evaluation criteria in each dimension. Required tests and analysis are conducted on these selected criteria to prove their validity. We then conducted surveys using Taiwanese manufactures as study objects and applied AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) to determine the weights of all dimensions and evaluation criteria. To prove the validity of the evaluation model, we generated some examples which were solved by both the evaluation model and human experts. The results obtained by the evaluation model are then compared with those by human experts. The test results show the proposed model is indeed valid and correct. Finally, we summarize three important findings of this study as follows. First, we discovered the weight of the “basic evaluation of suppliers” dimension often seen in traditional supplier evaluation models is lower than the weights of other dimensions. Second, this study identified the top eleven evaluation criteria. None of these eleven evaluation criteria come from the “basic evaluation of suppliers” dimension. Finally, our experimental results show the evaluation model can perform as well as human experts in evaluating suppliers. This implies the evaluation model can help manufacturers evaluate suppliers. Keywords: Supplier Evaluation, New Product Development, Integrating the Knowledge of Suppliers, The Relationships between Manufacturers and Suppliers, New Product Development Performance. |
AN ANALYSIS FOR TEACHING PRACTICE OF TECHNOLOGICAL AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION COMMERCIAL TEACHERS: COGNITIVE APPRENTICESHIP 周春美 國立雲林科技大學技職教育研究所暨師培中心副教授 摘要 「認知學徒制」具有以情境學習為導向的教學特性,適於商科課程的教學與學習。本文以此為旨趣,探討「認知學徒制」教學策略的意涵,並透過24位獲選為商科教學優良教師的教學優良事蹟等相關資料,據以分析技專校院商科教學優良教師運用「認知學徒制」的實務作法,提供給商科教師運用「認知學徒制」教學策略之參考。 關鍵詞:認知學徒制、教學優良教師、商業教育
ABSTRACT The "cognitive apprenticeship" has situational learning-oriented teaching characteristics and suitable for commercial courses. This paper analyze commercial teacher to use "cognitive apprenticeship" teaching strategies and curriculum design through 24 Teaching Excellent Reward Teachers. It support available reference to use "cognitive apprenticeship" teaching strategies and instructional design for technological and vocational commercial teachers. Keywords: Cognitive Apprenticeship, Technological and Vocational Education, Teaching Excellent Reward |