一、 |
英國石油(BP)墨西哥灣漏油事件的管理省思 |
溫肇東、陳俊銘 |
二、 |
吳豐祥、李權憲 |
三、 |
許牧彥、童勇達 |
四、 |
綠色管理實務之個案研究–以良浩科技為例 |
薛義誠、林川傑 |
MANAGERIAL EXAMINATION ON BP OIL SPILL IN THE GULF OF MEXICO 溫肇東 國立政治大學科技管理研究所教授 陳俊銘 國立政治大學科技管理研究所博士候選人 摘要 本文從環境、經濟、法律與政治,以及對BP本身影響等四構面進行事件分析:生態環境是原油外洩的首位受害者、依賴海洋及觀光維生的居民受到直接的經濟損失、美國政府試圖提出新的能源政策;同時,必須擔負最大責任的BP,則必須面對巨額賠償及組織重整。在管理意涵部分,本文從技術風險、規模風險、BP企業文化、企業社會責任等四種觀點予以檢視。我們指出技術一直扮演人類發展的兩面刃,享受其利益的同時,亦應思考可能的弊害;而規模愈大的組織愈有能力從事愈艱難、成本愈高的活動,以獲取更高的經濟利益,然而卻造成更大的潛在成本和風險,由整體社會共同承擔;同時,根據資料顯示,身為全球主要石油業者之一的BP,其企業文化似乎過度強調經濟效率而忽視員工安全及健康,以及相對應的社會責任。 關鍵詞:BP、技術風險、規模風險、企業文化、企業社會責任 |
ABSTRACT Four dimensions are adopted to interpret the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico: environment, economy, politics, and Bp itself. Ecological environment suffered from the oil spill apparently; local residents who count on fishery and tourism faced immediate economic losses; the Obama government tried to take the opportunity to reform its energy policy; meanwhile, BP, needs to take major part of the responsibilities, is troubling on huge indemnification and organizational restructuring. This article reviews this event from four managerial approaches as well: technological risk, scale risk, organizational culture, and corporate social responsibility. Technology may always be the double-edged sword in the human life. the larger scale of the firm, the more capability to engage in higher risk investment to pursue for higher margins, therefore higher possibility resulting in more cost and risk shared by the common society. And, according to reports, BP’s organizational culture tends to focus much on cost efficiency rather than employee’s safety and health, and its corporate social responsibility. Keywords: BP, Technological Risk, Scale Risk, Organizational Culture, Corporate Social Responsibility |
ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT OF GREEN PROJECT TEAMS: THE CASES OF COMPUTER AND ELECTRONICS COMPANIES IN TAIWAN 吳豐祥 國立政治大學科技管理研究所副教授兼所長 李權憲 鑫鑽新材料科技有限公司總經理特助 摘要 我國資訊電子業廠商受到歐盟和國際大廠對於綠色產品之要求的環保規範與壓力,紛紛成立跨部門的專案團隊,進行供應商管理、研發與製程變革、以及成本控管等方面的調整之任務。以往的文獻對於企業環保議題之研究與討論,大部分著重於企業綠色供應鏈管理之建置與環保法規的因應方式,然而,對於企業因應環保壓力而成立的綠色專案團隊之運作,卻少有著墨。因此,本研究希望對於我國資訊電子業這方面的作法以及相關的知識管理進行深入的探討。研究方法上採用多重個案研究的方式。 本研究所得到的結論主要包括:(1)不同事業模式的企業,對同一外部環保壓力來源有不同壓力強度的感受;(2)企業內部環保壓力的自發性改變往往是發生在外部環保壓力的因應之後;(3)現階段我國企業之綠色專案,其創新特性較屬於產品、製程、或品質的延伸變動與改良,組織上較適合以「輕量級團隊」之方式來運作;(4)輕量級團隊綠色專案經理在團隊知識管理程序中的知識吸收、創造、蓄積與擴散之運作中,扮演重要的角色;(5)由中立的高階主管擔任跨部門綠色專案團隊之專案贊助者,可避免發生決策偏頗之情形。本文最後並提出一些實務上與後續研究上的建議。 關鍵詞:環保壓力、綠色專案團隊、組織方式、知識管理、綠色環境管理 |
ABSTRACT The Taiwanese companies in computer and electronics industry set up cross-divisional green project teams to respond to the environmental regulations and pressure from government and customers. However, most of the past studies in the green product issue were focused on how to manage green supply chain efficiently, and how to reply to the regulations rightfully. Thus, the study aims to focus on the issue of organizational Structure and knowledge management of the green project teams, which is rarely investigated by former researchers. The research adopts multi-case study approach, mainly by interviewing with key personnel and managers of case companies. The preliminary findings and conclusions include: 1. Companies with different business models possess different degree of green pressure. 2. External green pressure influences industrial companies with earlier impacts than internal green pressure. 3. Green projects characterized with incremental change in product, process and quality improvement are more suitable to be organized in “lightweight” team. 4. The project manager in the lightweight green project teams plays an important role in knowledge creation, transfer, and accumulation process. 5. Biased-decision can be avoided by assigning the position of cross-divisional executive sponsor to a neutral senior manager. Keywords: Green Environmental Pressure, Green Project Team, Organizational Structure, Knowledge Management, Environmental Management |
工業園區內的廠商形成生態化工業網絡之影響因素–以彰濱、六輕工業園區為例 WHAT FACTORS WILL INDUCE FIRMS IN INDUSTRIAL PARK TO FORM ECO-INDUSTRIAL NETWORKS? —CASE STUDIES OF CHANGPIN INDUSTRIAL PARK AND NO.6 NAPHTHA CRACKER INDUSTRIAL PARK 許牧彥 國立政治大學科技管理研究所助理教授 童勇達 國立雲林科技大學企業管理碩士 摘要 為了創造經濟發展與環境保護的雙贏,許多學者專家在國際間積極推動生態化工業園區的概念,以促進工業生態的形成。建立生態化工業園區的關鍵是在於廠商交換網絡(生態化工業網絡)的形成,這必須實際考量參與廠商的經濟效益以及交換意願。但是,生態化工業園區的文獻大多是從技術的觀點介紹現有案例的運作,缺乏由企業管理的角度來探討影響廠商組成生態化工業網絡的管理與政策因素。因此,本研究意欲彌補這個缺口,經由實際了解廠商對生態化工業網絡、工業園區管理以及現行資源再利用政策法規的看法,探索影響廠商參與生態化工業園區的關鍵要素。藉由對國內外文獻的分析以及彰濱工業園區兩家廠家的半結構式訪談,本研究提出影響廠商組成生態化工業網絡之情境因素,並推演出具邏輯架構的假說;之後再對一體規劃的台塑集團六輕工業園區進行結構性訪談,以否證法來論證假說並發展命題。 本研究發現,工業園區管理中心的管理政策與環保總量管制、廠商間的異質性、合作程度及互補技術的可行性等都是影響廠商參與生態化工業園區、形成生態化工業網絡的關鍵要素。在總量管制與提高工業園區管理中心權責的配套下,區內廠商的異質性等連結情境因素愈高,形成區內封閉式生態化工業網絡的機會就愈高。但是在區內廠商連結情境因素較低時,區內廠商會嘗試向區外尋求連結。最後本研究建議工業管理單位應著重在於廢棄物總量的管制與工業園區管理中心的權責更新,塑造出工業生態系統的條件以輔助生態化工業網絡的形成。 關鍵詞:工業生態、生態化工業園區、生態化工業網絡、廢棄物管理 |
ABSTRACT The Eco-Industrial Park (EIP) is a community of manufacturing and service businesses seeking enhanced environmental and economic performance through collaboration in managing energy, water, and materials flows. Because of its potential to generate synergetic benefits, EIP has successfully drawn the worldwide attention of environmental scholars and policy makers, especially in Taiwan, which is currently trapped in the dilemma of industrial development and environmental protection. However, most of the current literature only discusses EIP as a whole from the perspective of engineering and fail to study the driving factors that induce individual firm to participate an EIP and form Eco-Industrial Networks. In this research, we try to study the issues of EIP from the perspective of management and explore the management principles of EIP that will attract the firms to join the industrial ecology. By reviewing the related literature of foreign EIPs and interviewing with firms within Changpin industrial park, we figure out some conjectures and propose 10 hypotheses. Then, we choose No.6 Naphtha Cracker industrial park, the first park in Taiwan designed as a whole by private sector, to falsify theses hypotheses. We find that regulation policy, administration of the park, recycling link, the options for resource reuse and the logistic characters of industrial wastes are the key factors inducing firms to form Eco-Industrial Networks. Keywords: Industrial Ecology, Eco-Industrial Park, Eco-Industrial Networks, Waste Management |
A CASE STUDY IN THE GREEN MANAGEMENT – LIANG HAW TECHNOLOGY 薛義誠 中央大學資訊管理學系、企業管理系學教授 林川傑 中央大學企業管理學系博士生 摘要 在環保與能源議題的國際法規相繼提出之時,綠色管理儼然形成先進國家的非關稅貿易障礙,加上消費者環保意識提昇,對於綠色產品的需求日益增加。面對外部雙重壓力下,企業必需正視與面對環境管理問題,且採取主動策略或價值追求策略(vaule-seeking),不斷透過強化本身綠色創新力,才能在未來取得競爭優勢。本研究彙整文獻上綠色管理相關議題,提出一個簡要的問題分類架構,協助研究者、實務工作者快速瞭解綠色管理的眾多議題。接著,以個案研究方式探討個案公司推行綠色管理系統的實務過程,總結出一些作法與經驗,並進一步與理論相比較。結果顯示個案公司,良澔科技,推行的綠色管理系統含括範圍極廣,從綠色設計所談論之環境化設計與生命週期評估,到綠色作業範疇中的綠色採購、綠色製造與重製、廢棄物管理與綠色會計,皆有一些具體的成果可供其他企業參考。此外,目前綠色管理的相關研究中,缺乏由組織面切入探討企業推行綠色管理的研究,亦缺乏企業推行綠色管理的效益評估模式與指標,此議題可作為後續研究之方向。 關鍵詞:綠色管理、綠色創新、個案研究
ABSTRACT While the international regulations in environmental protection and energy have been launched successively, the green management has clearly become the non-tariff trade barriers to the developed countries. The demand of green products is getting higher as the eco-awareness is on the rise. Under such extreme pressures, the enterprise must face and deal with the issues of the environmental management by taking proactive strategies or value-seeking approaches to reinforce its own green innovation and to gain the competitive advantages in the market. Based on the literature review, this study features a simplified structure of problem classification, which helps the researchers and practitioners grasp the big picture of the green management. Also the actual practices of the green management system are explored in the case of an individual company, of which generate some methods and experiences for further theory comparison. The result shows that Liang Haw Tech has a wide scope of green management which ranges from the environmentally-conscious design and life-cycle assessment in green design to the green procurement , green manufacturing & remanufacturing, waste management and green accounting in the green operations. Some of its results can be a good reference for other companies. Moreover, among the related research, the aspect of green management practices in the enterprise from organizational perspectives and the development of performance evaluation model and indicators for the green management are still left to further studies. Keywords: Green Management, Green Innovation, Case Study |