一、 |
黃寶祚、陳麗貞 |
二、 |
製造系統複雜度的分析與評估 |
呂明山、陳建富 |
三、 |
黃明官 |
四、 |
實質原物料價格及實質匯率對經濟成長影響之探討 |
孫而音、劉淑琴、陸盈君 |
五、 |
台灣存託憑證市場之從眾行為 |
劉清標、謝和原 |
Bao-Tzuoh Huang
Professor, Department of Applied Economics andManagement,
National Ilan University
Lee-Chen Chen
Associate Professor, Center for Humanities andScience Education,
National Ilan University
Sustainable usage behavior is a key requirement for implementing rice-drying enterprises. This paper examines the conceptual depreciation frameworks of the Ilan rice-drying machine in usage, by the (perceived) resale price data of farm machines adjusted with maintenance costs as well as capacity utilization. After the built cognitive framework, the paper begins by employing the adjusted index to empirically verify the approximated efficiency loss in rice-drying farming process while the Ilan replacement investment has been installed. Specifically, the Box-Cox model is used to explicitly derive the relative productive efficiency by the all vintage in usage. Comparable to the other farming machines with moderate second-hand market, the rice-drying usage is confined in the accelerating deterioration and, therefore, the major usage strategy should reconstruct the early years’ green cognition and take superior technology-drying ecodesign into account.
Keywords:Second-Hand Market, Depreciable Productive Equipment, Sunk Cost,Box-Cox Function
Analysis and Evaluation of Complexity for Manufacturing Systems
Ming-Shan Lu
Professor, Graduate Institute of Industrial Engineering and Management,
National Yunlin University of Science and Technology
Chien-Fu Chan
Graduate student, Graduate Institute of Industrial Engineering and Management,
National Yunlin University of Science and Technology
In order to respond to the change in customer demand, flexible manufacturing systems are developed and implemented. However, the increasing of flexibility results in that the system is more complex. The level of system complexity will cause the difficulty of decision making. Therefore, systems’ complexity can be treated as an important factor for decision making. There are two types of complexities: static complexity and dynamic complexity. The static complexity includes the complexity coming from system structure and the interaction of internal components. The dynamic complexity includes the complexity coming from system dynamic behaviors. In this research, the information entropy is proposed to evaluate the static and dynamic complexities of the system. For the static complexity, the influences of machine number, job number and part mix on static complexity are discussed. For the dynamic complexity, queuing theory is introduced to analyze the behavior of system dynamic queue, and the influences of arrival rate, service rate, system capacity and the number of parallel machine on dynamic complexity are discussed. The results of evaluated system complexity can help managers for decision making.
Keywords:Complexity, Manufacturing System, Performance Evaluation, Information Entropy
Developing the Global Logistic Decision Model for Multinational Enterprises under Considering Exchange Rate Volatility and Demand Uncertainty
Ming-Guan Huang
Professor, Department of Finance and Banking,
Shih Chien University
Modern large-scale enterprises often intend to found a multinational enterprise that the manufacturing or assembling bases are located worldwide as result of allowing for marketplace, customer and production cost. The multinational operation strategy can get the advantages on managing timely the requirement change, reducing the lead time, enhancing the distribution flexibility and capability for meeting the required due date, and cutting down the transportation cost. Additionally, these multinational enterprises search for a location with bringing cheaper costs on land, plant and labor that could facilitate cost competitiveness and enhance the sale profits. Moreover, it also should be expected that marketplaces for a typical multinational enterprise spread out worldwide. Consequently, the multinational enterprise would establish several distribution centers or hubs locating on world-wide zones for the sake of promoting customer service quality and obtaining time-based competition advantage. Following such a reformation, a challenge confronted by multinational enterprises is that a complicated global logistic operation must be implemented in order for acquiring the maximal business benefit. In view of this, this study endeavors to develop a global logistic decision model, which can gain the maximal expected profit. Meantime, it is exceptionally emphasized that volatility on exchange rate and uncertainty on market demand during the next selling period are simultaneously taken into account so as to improve the effectiveness for the developed model here. To this end, this study integrates the real options approach with the marginal analysis and maximum profit capacitated flow network mode to straightforwardly and rapidly work out the optimal solution. Finally, the workability and accuracy for the developed decision model here are verified by using numerical instance.
Keywords: Logistic Management, Global Logistic Decision Model, Multinational Enterprise, Demand Uncertainty, Exchange Rate Volatility
the impact of Real raw material prices and Real exchange rates on Economic growth
Erh-Yin Sun
Associate Professor, Department of Finance,
Overseas Chinese University
Shu-Chin Liu
Associate Professor, Department of International Trade & Logistics,
Overseas Chinese University
Ying-Chun Lu
Graduate Student, Graduate Institute of Finance,
National Chi Nan University
糧食是維持人類生存的基本資源,而工業化社會亦脫離不了對石油的需求。因此,當糧食或石油的供需出現不穩定狀況,將對一國甚或全球經濟造成衝擊。此外,隨著國際金融市場越趨開放,匯率雖可能受一國政府左右,但匯率的升貶亦使一國面臨物價穩定與經濟成長之間的抉擇。過去文獻討論經濟成長議題時,大多以單一因素對經濟成長的衝擊,而本研究以油價、糧價作為實質原物料價格,再加上實質匯率因素對經濟成長的影響,以期能獲得較為周延的結果。本文利用橫斷面的異質差異並加入多變量的架構,採用(Pesaran, Shin, & Smith, 1999)的混合組群平均估計式(PMG)進行分析,除檢測是否存在長期均衡關係,並探討是否因為長、短期的影響而有所差異?並與(Pesaran & Smith, 1995)提出的組群平均(MG)及傳統的動態固定效果(DFE)估計方法比較,再經由Hausman檢定選擇較合適的估計方法。實證結果顯示,採用PMG的估計方法較為有效,實質原物料價格及實質匯率與經濟成長存在長期關係,且長、短期的影響效果不同。因此,探討經濟成長時,應同時考慮實質原物料價格及實質匯率等因素,以避免產生錯誤的結論。另外,分別就高收入與低收入不同經濟結構體進行分析,發現實質原物料價格與實質匯率對經濟成長亦有不同的影響效果。
The economic growth is considerably influenced by energy and food crises since food and oil are the fundamental resources for humans. In addition, the exchange rate is also a crucial factor for economic growth. Different from the previous reports that focused mainly on the impact of a single factor on economic growth rates, this study emphasizes a multiple factor analysis including the real oil prices, food prices and exchange rates. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the long- and short-run impact of three factors, i.e. oil prices, food prices, and exchange rates on economic growth rates. To this end, we employed the pooled mean group estimator (PMG) from Pesaran, Shin, and Smith, 1999, the mean group estimator (MG) from Pesaran and Smith (1995), and the dynamic fixed-effect method (DFE) to balanced panel data for 53 countries over the period 1996-2011. In addition, the Hausman test was used to choose the more suitable estimator for this analysis. In the empirical results, the PMG estimator is shown to be more suitable for this analysis. Moreover, the negative long-run relations between these factors and economic growth rates coexist with positive short-run relations. Notably, we found that the lack of simultaneous consideration of these factors results in a substantial deviation in the analysis. Another finding is that the results are consequently varied when different income groups are included in the data analysis. Therefore, a consideration of the multiple factors including the real oil prices, food prices, exchange rates, as well as the income groups, is needed for an unbiased impact analysis of economic growth rates.
Keywords: Real Raw Material Prices, Real Exchange Rates, Economic Growth, Pooled Mean Group
Chin-Piao Liu
Assistant Professor, Department of Finance,
National Chung Cheng University
Ho-Yuan Hsieh
Graduate student, Department of Finance,
National Chung Cheng University
This paper examines the herding behavior of investors, specifically the institutional investors, in Taiwan depositary receipt (TDR) market. We find that the institutional investors display significant herding behavior with a higher degree as they sell TDR than as they buy TDR. Furthermore, in the analysis of industry and nationality, we find that the institutional investors show a higher degree of herding behavior in non-electronics TDR and TDR issued by non-Taiwanese owned companies. In characteristic analysis, the herding behavior of the institutional investors positively relates to the market value and the turnover rate of TDR, respectively.
Keywords: Taiwan Depositary Receipt, Herding Behavior